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8.9 inch LCD Screen - 1024 x 600 pixels
Asus Eee PC 900 16G, Linux OS

Although we reccommend the Linux version with an SSHD drive you will find that there are various different versions out there. If you decide that you really can't do without a 160GB conventional hard disk or Windows XP then please at least buy an Asus Eee PC with the larger 8.9 inch screen.

This is not an area to skimp on, the older 7 inch screen may seem like a much cheaper option but it does make a big difference. The newer 8.9 inch screen has a higher resolution making it easier on the eyes and, most websites will be viewable full width without having to scroll from side to side. With the old 7 inch screen sideways scrolling is a real pain and the larger screen upgrade was almost THE biggest improvement over earlier Asus Eee PC models.


Asus Eee PC 900 at Amazon
Asus Eee PC 900 8.5 inch screen

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